Tripped over at work
January 25, 2019
Your employers have a duty to keep all floors of their premises free from any substance which might cause you to trip and injure yourself. If you trip over a box or cables or anything else which has been left lying around, our personal injury solicitors can help you recover compensation for your injuries and any lost earnings, medical expenses and other financial losses.
We will need to prove that there was something on the floor which shouldn’t have been there. If you can take a photo of what you fell over, that would be very helpful. But that’s not always going to be possible. Make sure that the accident is recorded in the Accident Book and that you make clear what you slipped on. Don’t just sign what is written down – make sure that what happened has been set out correctly.
Go to your GP or the local hospital as soon as you can. Make sure you explain to the doctors exactly what happened as it can be important to show the account you gave at the time. Don’t ever be tempted to alter the story to avoid getting someone else in trouble. It will only cause problems in your claim later.
Make sure you call one of our personal injury solicitors early on after the incident while you can still remember all the details of the accident.
Our personal injury solicitors can advise on what other evidence we need to get to prove how the accident happened and why it was your employer’s fault. We can also advise abut your right to sick pay if you can give us a copy of your contract of employment.
The information contained in this article is intended for general guidance only. It provides useful information but it is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice as the articles do not take into account specific circumstances. So do please Contact US for legal advice on the issues raised.