Compensation Claim for Slipping Or Tripping At Work




    Have you slipped on something spilt on the floor of your workplace? Or tripped over an obstacle someone had left in a silly place? Is your workplace untidy with too many boxes dumped in a small area making it difficult to walk past?

    Employers have a duty to keep your workplace safe so far as reasonably practicable.They have to ensure that nothing is left on the floor which might make you slip or trip. And traffic routes should be kept clear and free from obstacles.

    It’s just common sense really but accidents happen all too often because someone didn’t think and left something on the floor – slips on a hard floor often cause back injuries, and trips cause fractured wrists or elbows as people put their hands out to save themselves.

    You can find yourself in pain and unable to work because of someone else’s carelessness.

    We have successfully recovered compensation for many clients injured by slipping or tripping at work and our lawyers can help you get the money you need to get back on your feet.

    To find out whether you can make a no win, no fee claim, ring us on

    020 8313 1300 020 8313 1300

    Or complete the enquiry box at the top of the page

    There are time limits for bringing claims so don’t delay before asking for advice

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