Pavement or Road Trip




    Have you tripped on a pavement or on the road and suffered injuries?

    If the accident happened on the public highway, the local highway authority may be liable if they failed to maintain the pavement or road. Local authorities have limited funds so they don’t have to repair every little defect but they do have to put in place a reasonable system for inspecting the highway and repair anything which could be considered dangerous.

    If you tripped on a broken paving slab or in a pothole, which is at least 1 inch deep, you may be entitled to compensation but only if we can show that the defect had been there for some time and had not been repaired.

    Your accident may have happened on land belonging to someone other than the highway authority. We can usually identify the owner and direct your claim to them.The owner or occupier of the land has a duty to ensure that visitors are reasonably safe when using their land and they don’t have the defence used by highway authorities that they had a reasonable system of inspection. Very often, part of the pavement belongs to the shop which fronts it so the occupier should know of the defect and ought to repair it promptly.

    We have successfully recovered compensation for clients who have tripped on the highway or on private land and our lawyers can help you get the compensation you need to get back on your feet.

    To find out whether you can make a no win, no fee claim, ring us on

    020 8313 1300 020 8313 1300

    Or complete the enquiry box at the top of the page

    There are time limits for bringing claims so don’t delay before asking for advice

    Thank you. A well explained system. I was kept up to date at all times. Everything was fully explained by either letter or a quick phone call. A very professional service